McPherson Controls Automatic Flashing Unit for brush Type Generators
The Safe and Easy Way to Automatically Flash any Stubborn Old Generators
The EB-9V Automatic Flashing Module is a true electronic flashing circuit with a larching timeout circuit that can be set from 1 to 8 secons timer. This unit will not flash again as the generator is turned off.
When true residual voltage is too low for the voltage regulator to build voltage normally on the generator the EB-9V is what you need.
Replacement forLeroy Somer R448, R449, R438, andAEM110RE016 and also Olympian FG Wilson 922 124McPherson Controls 160 VDC 10Amp AVR for Permanent Magnet Gernerator (PMG) or A.R.E.P or Auxiliary Winding type generator
Not a genuine Leroy Somer, AEM110RE016 and Olympian FG Wilson products.
McPherson Controls Full Wave 150 Amp Static Analog Voltage Regulator is capable of working in Parallel. Works with A1+A2 Power Factor Correction. Multiple Sensing Voltages. Built In Flashing Unit. The Regulator is built inside a wall-mount enclosure with Cooling System and separate Power Input Sensing.
Works with Electric Motor Division (EMD), large Catepillar's, and large DELL Generators
Replaces Marathon DVR-2000 SeriesADVR-2200M is an Digital/Analog hybrid voltage regulator that substitutes certain Marathon DVR applications. This regulator can work with either single or three phase sensing and PMG. The ADVR-2200M as protection against over excitation, as well PF (power factor) correction inputs. And also as capabilities for DROOP Paralleling.