A natural gas powered generator and a diesel powered generator each come with their own benefits and limitations which makes understanding these differences important. The biggest difference between the two generators is their respective fuel sources which have certain characteristics.
Continue reading to learn more about the differences between natural gas generators and diesel power generators and how they can benefit you. First, we will examine natural gas generators and their characteristics.
Natural Gas Powered Generators
Natural gas is a widely used and effective fuel source for generating power. A natural gas powered generator can be used as an emergency or back up power source and are considered affordable and efficient which has made these generators a popular choice.
Generators powered by natural gas can be utilized to power bigger urban communities since these generators have readily available access to natural gas pipelines. Although these generators are highly efficient and have great benefits they always suffer from some limitations.
Natural Gas Benefits
The major benefits of using natural gas powered generators involve their efficiency, affordability, and are considered a clean energy source. Unlike other fuel sources, natural gas has significantly lower emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur, and nitrogen which makes it a clean fuel source to power generators.
Unlike other fuel sources, a natural gas powered generator also does not produce foul or pungent smells which can be a nuisance when operating the generator. Pungent or sharp scents are very common with generators that utilize other fuel sources like gasoline.
Natural gas powered generators can also help homeowners save on power costs when used to power a home when compared to the main power source. Utilizing a natural gas powered generator does however come with certain limitations.
Natural Gas Limitations
The main limitation of natural gas involves the difficulty of storing the fuel source since it can only be retrieved through gas pipelines. During a natural emergency, there may be an interruption in the supply of natural gas during a critical time.
The chances of a fire incident are also higher in a natural gas generator which does not always make these generators the safest option.
Diesel Benefits
Perhaps the best selling point of a diesel generator is the affordability of the fuel source. Diesel has a higher vitality thickness which means you can keep a diesel power generator running for longer on less fuel.
Unlike a natural gas generator, diesel power generators provide a constant power supply which makes these generators a fantastic choice during an emergency that might cut the power. Furthermore, diesel generators are considered much more durable and reliable for a longer period of time than other fuel sources.
Diesel Limitations
A diesel power generator is considered significantly more expensive when compared with other generators. Despite this, they typically require far less maintenance which can often offset the cost of running the generator.
Noise has been a concern in the past with diesel generators and older models are known to produce a louder sound when operating which can be a nuisance. Diesel generators are also significantly larger than other generators like a diesel generator and can be difficult to find space for.
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